Refrigerated shipping for all Summer

An excellent product can be brought to life only thanks to a strong respect for the animal’s well-being.

This is the belief that has always guided our family, since grandpa Ermes started our first barn, in the Sixties.

From that moment on, our mission has stayed the same: to guarantee our cows the best possible quality of life, in winter and summer, from a climactic, hygiene and nutritional point of view.

How do we guarantee our animal’s wellbeing?

Through two essential factors:

  • - Constant investments in advanced gear and equipment and the cowsheds’ modernization, to guarantee a dry climate and a clean and comfortable barn

  • - A solid collaboration’s relationship with a specialized veterinarian team that supports us with the nourishment and wellbeing of the animal.

Want to know the secret for our product of excellence?

Our unrelenting commitment to the quality of our cheese.

The experience our family has gained through three generations has allowed us to implement a nutritional method which makes our Parmigiano Reggiano absolutely superb.

To better the product, our forage is treated with a specific desiccation technology, which allows to maintain the scents while diminishing the chemicals.

The desiccator is fundamental, as the forage is harvested at the opportune time, without the loss of nutrients or product. The desiccation of the forage is made possible by a special hot-air ventilation system.

This type of forage is better preserved than others (as the humidity is completely eliminated), avoiding molds and fermentation, and resulting in more nourishment as it prevents the application of chemicals. This way, the natural scents and flavors are transferred to the cheese as well.

Are you a part of the faculty at an educational institution and want to take your students to discover Parmigiano Reggiano’s production processes?